About Us

Hello! I'm Suki, the designer behind Suki Sabur Designs. I work out of a sometimes-tidy studio in Leicester where you'll always find a speck or two of glitter scattered on the floor.
As a one girl band (almost always) I do everything from designing, making, admin, processing orders and customer services. Occasionally you might find me at shopping events and craft fairs around Leicestershire with one of my amazing helpers.
Suki Sabur Designs came about in 2016 when I knew I wanted more than just a 9-5 job where I'd be helping someone else build their dream and not working on mine. Since graduating with a degree in Textiles (Fashion) I knew I'd someday like to work for myself, however I had no idea what I actually wanted to do/make.
After making a couple of bags I decided to run with it and do a whole range of colours, which then gradually expanded into different sizes and other accessories. With a massive stash of scraps that I've not wanted to throw away over the years I am slowly growing the range with more new products.
I am so grateful that I've been able to build this business of mine with the help of all you lovely lot who have continued to place orders over the years. As much as I love hiding in my little studio and staying creative, nothing beats seeing you guys locally at events.
That's all from me. If you do want to stick around to see how the journey continues you can find me on Instagram @sukisabur_designs.